Daily Dose of Audi Music

Song: Haru Haru
Artist: Bigbang


For all the readers of Audi Interview. 

We do value privacy, that's why all interviews posted here have the consent of the interviewed Audista. We do not force Audistas to be interviewed, we simply ask permission, if we are declined to take in the interview, then we respect that and do not ask twice. Thank you for the continous support! We will do our best to fulfill our goal and that is to bring camaraderie amongst all audistas (Audition Players) here in the Philippines. 

Happy Gaming Audistas! 

^_~ -AI Staff-

Staff Behind Audi Interview
ALEX : daddylonglex
BRIAN : ~EXO~Truze 
BRYAN : ~EXO~Ashynck 
JESSA : ~--YUmeiiKA--
KIX : KIXERIA (KutonKendi)
LEAN : ~EXO~Kuro
MELAI : ~GO~heLeina
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
SEAN : ~EXO~Lune 
OZZIE : ~004~CircE~
MISSY : bovinebell
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
JEN: Jen
Shoutoutx & Suggestions!!

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Writer's Team? or Editor's Team? Apply NOW!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hello everyone Interviewer here again!! I have something to announce and this might be one the most awaited announcement.

Audi Interview

Once again this is your chance to show us if you are really deserving to be one of us. Audi Interview is now ready to accept new applicants! But this time we have new requirements.

Do you want to know who’s behind Editor? Do want to work with Writer? Editor and Writer are looking for new members. And you have the rights to choose which team you will join. Is it Editor’s Team or Writer’s Team? Are you good in editing? Well you might be the one Editor is looking for! Or are you good in writing?Maybe writer needs you.

Requirements for Writer’s Team

Fill up the Application form.

Personal Info

Full Name:
In-Game Name:
Yahoo Messenger:
Contact Number:
Applying for: (Writer’s Team/Editor’s Team)
Qualifying skill/traits/characteristics

1. Knows how to use the English language very well (written and verbal)
2. Makapal ang mukha.
3. Malawak ang bokabularyo (tagalog/english)
4. May kusa at hindi na kailangang utusan.
5. Laging online pag kailangan (sisipain ko yung mga hindi nagoonline pag kailangan ko)

Test I.
Your diary entry for this day.
-Minimum of 2 paragraphs max of 4 paragraphs.
-The entry must be creative (use words that will help beautify your entry)

Test II.
Tagalog Interview

- Tagalog ofcourse.
- You must ask 10 questions to the person that you choose to interview
- May sense yung interview
- Kahit sino pwede mong iinterview. Pero dapat isa siyang audista.

Kindly attach the 2 requirements test (Test I and Test II) and send it to ai_writer@yahoo.com , mikolit123@gmail.com and writteninterview41@yahoo.com we ensure your personal information will be confidential.

Requirements for Editor’s Team

Fill up the Application form.

Personal Info

Full Name:
In-Game Name:
Yahoo Messenger:
Contact Number:
Applying for: (Writer’s Team/Editor’s Team)

Then send it to editinterview41@yahoo.com , mikolit123@gmail.com . writteninterview@yahoo.com

Qualifying skill/traits/characteristics

- Must be a good observer
- Fluent in English
- Has common sense
- Willing to do task when available
- Must inform me if you're going to be busy and keep in touch,
- If u ignored me for no reason then sorry.

Asking for any examinations?

This examination would be different from Writer’s examination in here you have to talk to Mr. Editor himself through Yahoo messenger. Feel free to add him and upon sending your application form through his email address (editinterview41@yahoo.com) he will verify if you really apply for his team then he will give you a task you need to accomplish. (accomplished task must be sent to editinterview41@yahoo.com , mikolit123@gmail.com writteninterview41@yahoo.com)

(There is no specific deadline for application.)

So what are you waiting for? JOIN NOW!

I’m greeting everyone an advance good luck and hope in the future we could work together.

Truly yours,
Audi Interview Adminstrator

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posted by Audi Interview @ 10:50 PM  
  • At September 16, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Writer's team is for writers.. Editor's team is for... gophers?

    ano po yung job description ng Editor's Team members? Medyo vague po kasi, mahirap tuloy magdecide which team to join.. O_O


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