Daily Dose of Audi Music

Song: Haru Haru
Artist: Bigbang


For all the readers of Audi Interview. 

We do value privacy, that's why all interviews posted here have the consent of the interviewed Audista. We do not force Audistas to be interviewed, we simply ask permission, if we are declined to take in the interview, then we respect that and do not ask twice. Thank you for the continous support! We will do our best to fulfill our goal and that is to bring camaraderie amongst all audistas (Audition Players) here in the Philippines. 

Happy Gaming Audistas! 

^_~ -AI Staff-

Staff Behind Audi Interview
ALEX : daddylonglex
BRIAN : ~EXO~Truze 
BRYAN : ~EXO~Ashynck 
JESSA : ~--YUmeiiKA--
KIX : KIXERIA (KutonKendi)
LEAN : ~EXO~Kuro
MELAI : ~GO~heLeina
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
SEAN : ~EXO~Lune 
OZZIE : ~004~CircE~
MISSY : bovinebell
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
JEN: Jen
Shoutoutx & Suggestions!!

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Audi Interview @ EGG, Moa (August 23,2008)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Audi Interview @ EGG (Mall of Asia)

August 23, at the Extreme Gaming Grounds in SM Mall of Asia.
A fun-filled event was organized by Audition Dance Battle Community for the avid gamers of the popular online dance casual game, Audition Dance Battle. Where in clubs enjoy the event as they meet each other.
Audistas from different parts of the Metro joined force for the said event. There are many activities prepared for this event like freeplays, in-game tournaments, live contests and a raffle event. Even though the in-game event was cancelled because of the internet connection error. Club leaders and their members enjoyed the event like Bring-Me game and the Break dance contest. Players did not just test their in-game skills but also their talents in break dancing.
While other audista enjoy the event, The AI staff interviewed GM Persona, Here is the short Interview:

Any preparations?

GM Persona: We rented E.G.G. and the posters and tarpaulins.

AI: Expectations?

GM Persona: Madami ang aattend, magulo, masaya.

AI: Are your expectations fulfilled?

GM Persona: Fulfilled naman. Hehehehe. Nagkaroon ang internet connection error pero naging successful naman.

AI: How was your time with audistas?

GM Persona: Masaya, Lalo na noong nag break dancing yung mga audista

AI: Next event?

GM Persona: No schedule pa. Pero if magkakaroon ulit we will announce.

It was a very fun-filled and tiring afternoon for some audistas who joined the event. Audistas also get their hands on the new installers and poster design. Surely it was a success. See you next event. ^_^

We would like to thank GM Persona for the short interview and GM Faiga
for the Fansign ^^

Meet The Audition Game Masters

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