Daily Dose of Audi Music

Song: Haru Haru
Artist: Bigbang


For all the readers of Audi Interview. 

We do value privacy, that's why all interviews posted here have the consent of the interviewed Audista. We do not force Audistas to be interviewed, we simply ask permission, if we are declined to take in the interview, then we respect that and do not ask twice. Thank you for the continous support! We will do our best to fulfill our goal and that is to bring camaraderie amongst all audistas (Audition Players) here in the Philippines. 

Happy Gaming Audistas! 

^_~ -AI Staff-

Staff Behind Audi Interview
ALEX : daddylonglex
BRIAN : ~EXO~Truze 
BRYAN : ~EXO~Ashynck 
JESSA : ~--YUmeiiKA--
KIX : KIXERIA (KutonKendi)
LEAN : ~EXO~Kuro
MELAI : ~GO~heLeina
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
SEAN : ~EXO~Lune 
OZZIE : ~004~CircE~
MISSY : bovinebell
ALTHAEA : shiamisha
JEN: Jen
Shoutoutx & Suggestions!!

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Audi Interview: New Programs
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Programs!
Also, here are the new programs which will spice up the Audi Community!

Audition Spotlight

Do you know someone who deserves to be placed under the limelight?
It's now their chance to shine!


  • Every month, we will be picking deserving Audista to be featured. This is not called AI Spotlight for nothing. Because the featured player has the chance to be the next Exceptional Audista!
  • Open to all Audition Players. (You can also send requests to us to feature other players whom you idolize. In addition, you can also include some questions that you want to ask to the said Audista.)
  • Players can send their entry at ai.entries@gmail.com the following details:
  • -Real Name:
  • -IGN:
  • -Club:
  • -Do you think you are/he is/she really deserves to be the next Exceptional Audista?
  • For inquiries, email us at ai.support41@gmail.com

Audition Records!

Gusto mo bang agawin ang trono ni Party King? O ang trono ni Ballroom Diva? Sali na sa AI Records!

  • This event is open to all Audition players.
  • A competition for a specific title will be held every month. The winner of the event will hold the title, and will accept any player who challenges him to attempt to break his title regime.
  • The title to be given for this week will be: Party Party King/Queen
  • The competition will be set to Dynamic 8 mode. As the title indicates, the song played will always be Party Party (130bpm). Chance mode will be taken off to avoid the possibility of chance hacking.
  • No third party programs allowed. Once caught, the player will be automatically disqualified and will be reported to the Game Masters.
  • All interested players should register at the e-Games thread for this event. Only those who were registered are allowed to participate.
  • The winner for the event will be named Party Party King/Queen and will be featured at the Audi Interview site.

Audition Fan art Central

Do you think you're creative enough? Show us your most beautiful art and literature works! Let other audistas marvel at your masterpiece!


  • This contest is open to all Audition Ph players.
  • A theme will be posted every first Monday of the month. Interested players are to submit their fan-made work that would match the theme, send it to Audition Interview e-mail (entries@audiinterview.com).
  • Theme for the month of November: Audi Halloween [Fiction]
  • Write a short story on how Audition characters would celebrate the Halloween if they were real.
  • Entries should be at least 500 words to be eligible.
  • All entries will be judged on the following criteria:
  • Content? 40%
  • Creativity? 30%
  • Originality? 25%
  • Impact? 5%
  • Make sure to add your title and trademark just to prevent plagiarism.
  • Plagiarized entries will automatically be disqualified for the month’s contest.
  • The deadline for the submission of entries is at the last Monday of the month. Results will be given three days after.
  • 3 random AI staff members will judge the entries for the month, depending on its theme and requirements.
  • The winner for the month will be featured at the Audition Interview site.

Dear Audi Interview

Nag away ba kayo ng ka-couple mo? Ikaw ba ang pinagbibintangan ni bestfriend na Gumastos ng EP niya? Halika kaibigan, sulat na!
Dito sa AI, sayo ang kwento, samin ang payo!

  • This event is open again to all Audition players.
  • Players can send their experiences in Audition (friends, lovelife, problems, anything under the sun, as long as it’s related to their Audition experience).
  • Please don’t forget to add the following information to your letter:
  • o Real Name
  • o In-game Name
  • o Club (if applicable)
  • o Contact Details
  • Your personal information will be treated confidential and will not be shown once posted at the AI site.
  • You can e-mail your story at ai.entries@gmail.com
  • One letter will be featured every month (with the consent of the sender).
posted by Audi Interview @ 2:05 PM  
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