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Song: Haru Haru
Artist: Bigbang


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We do value privacy, that's why all interviews posted here have the consent of the interviewed Audista. We do not force Audistas to be interviewed, we simply ask permission, if we are declined to take in the interview, then we respect that and do not ask twice. Thank you for the continous support! We will do our best to fulfill our goal and that is to bring camaraderie amongst all audistas (Audition Players) here in the Philippines. 

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^_~ -AI Staff-

Staff Behind Audi Interview
ALEX : daddylonglex
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LEAN : ~EXO~Kuro
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Are you ready for GM Persona?
Saturday, August 9, 2008

IGN: GM Persona
Audition Dance Battle Philippines
Game Master

Being the Official interview group of Audition Dance Battle, Audi Interview (AI) is posting interviews from GMs to players, presenting their ideas and opinions in some audista matters, And now Audi Interview is glad to present an interview with the most popular person in audition world, GM Persona a.k.a. GMP. Audi interview has granted the time to interview the popular GMP and asks him these questions.

This is our interview:

AI: First question, there are a lot of gaming companies out there, but what made you decide to work in e-Games?

GM Persona: I was a player of Audition long before I became a GM, and was one of the first few clubs and players in CBT. I've known the game inside-out; especially its community. And so since I didn't have a job by the time Audition went after Domination, I joined the team. Maybe out of necessity, but hey, I loved the game. Once an Audista, always an Audista.

AI: Wow CBT player pala si GM, so you've been playing Audi since its first launching in Ph?

GM Persona: Yeah, also before it was launched, I played AuditionSEA, also in Global XD But heck I wasn't really into the game by then, it was only in Audition PH I really played myself to the limit XD.

AI: "to the limit"... would that mean mamaw kayo in-game? Baka you're holding back sa events niyo!

GM Persona: Hahaha well... maybe. XD

AI: Is being a game master one of your ambitions in life? Have you really considered being a GM years back?

GM Persona: Well, yes. Or maybe a Game Developer or anything connected to it. When did it start? Mario. Oh yes, that Mario. After which I became addicted to online games I really decided to become a Game Master, since I loved the gaming community, and also I loved helping other gamers a lot. Even in-game-- I sometimes help people out of habit. Didn't reach that game dev part tho-- since I didn't take a software engineer course XD But hey, being a GM isn't just a career, it's a way of life: you learn different skills from different fields as you go-- 1.) Customer Support Representative (when facing player concerns), Tech Support (when assisting in game client problems), product management (in planning events), and creative writing (in planning event write-ups and announcements) and since gaming is like both my ambition and hobby, well, it's like enjoying the best of both worlds. XD

AI: so you're saying that being a GM is being more than just a "palamuti" when it comes to events?

GM Persona: Yeah. Being a GM is being more than that. XD A lot of patience, care, critical thinking and a good foresight/hindsight are required for you to be a very efficient and effective GM XD

AI: No wonder! I think there is a lot who aspire to become a GM, yet fail to reach that ambition.

GM Persona: Exactly

AI: This can be a useful tip for all aspiring players out there.

GM Persona: hehe yeah i think so. Hahaha XD

AI: So with that, you're having a loaded schedule every day, right?

GM Persona: Hahaha yes! Actually a lot of my friends sometimes PM me and it gets me like at least 30mins before I can get back at them.

AI: How are you able to balance your work and iRL (in-real life) activities? We're sure being a GM is not all you are 24/7!

GM Persona: Yeah not all are 24/7. But given the load/responsibilities, you sometimes have to do more than what was called for XD, Anyway let me answer the next one. :))

AI: Sure! How do you get along with the other Game Masters off-PC? Seryoso ba kayo, stressed, or nagkukulitan din like other normal players?

GM Persona: It's a very delicate balancing act. Balancing both work and iRL life is tricky, especially when you are needed in both. You have to set priorities, and what is needed to be done first. If you make a mistake in wither one, most likely it will affect the other in some way ;D Getting along with other GMs is just like lounging in a cafe-- chat off-work topics and talking about our favorite and humorous moments on duty just to relieve stress. But right after that, it's back to work. XD

AI: Next! How do you manage to keep your cool while dealing with impatient players?

GM Persona: Oh haha my favorite thing-- I like to shout at my screen to release pressure then when I chat with them or I reply to their messages I just have to do it calmly. XD

AI: All right, give us a random fact about you that most Audistas are not aware of.

GM Persona: I eat fish. LOOOOOOOOOL.

AI: Oh, so you’re into seafood?

GM Persona: Mostly. I am also a semi-vegetarian. Oh, a Pesco vegetarian. And I love to cook food. ;)

AI: So if we were to give you a lifetime supply of beef, you won’t even hesitate to put down the offer?

GM Persona: Oh no I’ll take it. I’ll put up my own restaurant for that. XD

AI: Haha! Ok, for the next question, you can either answer it or leave it.

GM Persona: Ok, shoot. =p

AI: Is the thing between you and GM Faiga true?


GM Persona: I’d leave that to your imagination. =p

AI: of course, an interview will not be an interview without this question. Any personal message to your fellow audistas as a player? (not as a GM po ha!)

GM Persona: It's nice to see our community from what it has been almost two years ago. It has been nice working with you guys and nice meeting with everyone. I just hope in the coming years you're still the community that I have grown to love.

Questions coming from Audistas

1)Why Persona?

Oh, I get that a lot.
Days before I was accepted here in e-games, I was playing a console game. And yeah, it was that game, SMT: Persona3. And for some reason I wasn’t able to think of anything else since hey, I was addicted to it. It was my long standing favorite even way after I was accepted here, and yeah I kinda liked it a lot even after my addiction to the game.
To think of it it suits me in a way, since we have to keep our personal information to ourselves. Also this applies whenever we are faced with irate players. We have to keep our frustrations to ourselves and put up a pleasing persona or personality. XD

2.) How will you manage interpersonal/intrapersonal conflicts with other players??

To be blunt, we don’t. We usually let the conflict play itself out and solve itself. We usually stay away from personal stuff, since involving ourselves will not only make the situation worse but it will prolong the duration for it to be solved.

3.) Each GM has his/her own responsiblty (e.g. ingame issues, event issues, bot reports etc) what area do you handle, and do you like it?

I usually handle in-game events, on-ground events, event planning, technical support (in forums), bug testing, patch testing, community handling (Audition) and bot penalizing (Cabal). I have been well-aware of these responsibilities before entering e-Games, so it isn’t that of a problem when it comes for me in handling. As for whether or not I like them is arbitrary, since it all depends on the circumstances and content of the assignment. But in general, I am enjoying what I am doing. XD

4.) Who is the anime character who best describes your personality as a Game Master and why?

Being an anime enthusiast makes the list endless, and it makes it harder to pick. o_O
But to pick one, I’d say it would be Fai D. Flourite of the anime Tsubasa RESERVoIR Chronicle. Fai is enigmatic, magical, cheery and wise. Being an erudite prankster, he enjoys playing around with the task at hand but accomplishes it thoroughly in the end. In a way I am like Fai. I am playful sometimes to the point of absurdity and annoyance that it rubs my team mates in a wrong way. But hey, I still finish the job. XD

5.)What do you do during your free time? (if you are off-duty as a Game Master)

My free time revolves around five things: Social Life, Commitments, Errands, Playtime, and Hobbies. Social life- My friends, my family and my former classmates. They are still in touch with me and I’d like to keep the connection.
Commitments- Hey, we all have this. I try to keep this in check so I can accomplish more than just my work in game. XD Errands- Heheheh. I still live in a home, and I have to do my part. =p Playtime- What’s a day without it? Hahaha a lot of games are out there for enjoyment, and not just Online Games. They’re there for a reason, and sometimes they are also stress-relievers. Hobbies- I write. Yeah, I do. This area of my life is kinda losing its time slot, and I’m struggling to keep it there. I have to update my writings lol, especially in fanfiction.net. Nilalangaw na daw eh. LoL.

6.) What is your amazing personality that others like about you?

To be honest, I don’t know. You tell me =D

7.) What is the weirdest hobby you have?

I don’t know hahah. In any case calling a hobby ‘weird’ is arbitrary since a hobby might be a wonder to one and weird to another; but maybe something weird to myself? o_O If it may be called weird, it would be experimenting with food. Yeah I am a vegetarian, but I still love food. I experiment with a lot of ingredients, and cook up just about anything I can get my hands on. I remember one particular experiment I did when I was in the fifth grade when I mixed up pancake mix with orange juice to spruce up the taste. Why orange juice? I drink orange juice while eating them, so I said, “hey, why don’t we mix them?” I did and served myself a hot, steaming orange pancake. After tasting them I never did it again. It was just awful. Extremely awful. XD

8.) Every person makes a mistake; what is the smallest mistake you have committed that you’d really regret?

Hmm… if it would count, it would be being a ‘spelling nazi’. At times I would be strict with spelling and punctuation to the point of being insulting to people who don’t even know me. Maybe it was out of habit, since I was an editor my old school paper in high school. The habit just got even stronger when I entered the Journalism course. Hehehehe. So there, I even corrected the spelling in the question. XD

9.) How do you feel about the poll regarding the GM Love team?

I knew you’d ask me. XD
It surprises me that a lot in the community supports me and Faiga. I am both thrilled and happy. Thrilled that we won the poll (LOL). Happy because you guys supported us. XD

10.) Despite all the pressure coming from the players both in-game, on-ground and forums [fans and haters included], how are you able to handle your schedule and your social life?

Oh this area is a tricky one.
One must always remember that one has to keep track of one’s social life, no matter how hectic your schedule may be. They’re your world once you step out of the office, and the ones supporting you whenever you are in need. Whenever I don’t have time for them, I always make it a point to make time for them. :D

11.) How far will you go for the sake of Audition?

Hey I’m spending a part of my lifetime for this game. Is there anything else I can give? ;D

12.) Does this remind you of anything po: "Persona, Persona!! Call out your

Quick, give me an evoker!

13.)Why should GMs, FMs and e-Games staff avoid favoritism?

This is compulsory and for compliance. We’re not allowed going around giving favors to players around, since this’ll give unfair advantage to those whom we give it to. This will also bring imbalance in the community, with others being noticed and some not. There should be equal opportunity for everyone. XD As a final note, if you do feel or see a GM being partial to one parson/group, please do not hesistate to escalate this by contacting any other GM or via Helpdesk. We do take this seriously. ^_^v

14.) Were you an Audista before becoming a GM?

Yep I was. In fact, I’ve played long before Audition PH. I’ve been with Audition SEA, Korea and the ill-fated Global. I’ve been part of Audition’s CBT and have been a part of one of the first and largest clubs there is. I’ve been to competitions and have joined them (and losing them LOOOL). I’ve got the feel of the game and the community. And so I thought to myself, ‘why not help out on the community more?’ And so I’m right here, answering these questions. =p

15. )What word best describes your job (as a GM)?


That ends the interview for GM Persona but wait i forgot something

AI: GM Persona who do you think will be the next Hotseat GM? and what can you say about him or her?

GM Persona: GM Feisty. She's an interesting person to get to know about, and you'll never regret it. I'm sure once you do, you'll just have to appreciate all the work she has done for Audition. ^_^v

AI: GM Feisty we will be looking forward to interview you prepare! Hahahaha...
Thank you for all those who participated on posting their questions. We expect your support for our next Hotseat GM!

As promise on my past post here is the most awaited video of GM Persona Enjoy!!

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