Hello readers, viewers and supporters of Audi Interview here’s a special farewell post for our beloved mother in this group.
This is for you Mama KutonKendi
Who is KutonKendi?
KutonKendi is also known as the former member of the pussyfier club namely as “pussyfierKIX” and now She is one of the very respected Administrators of Audi Interview and she handles the improvement of our website. But for us members of Audi Interview group KutonKendi is our mother and we can say that she’s a very loving mother for us. If we need help Mami Kix is there for us supporting us guiding us and correcting our mistakes.
Thats why we love our beloved mother here in Audi Interview group even were just a small group compare to others we treat one other as our “Kapamilya”
There are Bad news and Good news
The Bad news…
KutonKendi is leaving the Philippines today June 6, 2007 i think this is her last day here in the philippines that would be the bad news for all the staffs and to be honest we are all sad for this but we know that this would be your betterment =( i hope you won't forget us mama kix.
The Good news…
Si Mommy KutonKendi ay staff parin ng Audi Interview =) so smile staffs.
From all the staffs of Audi Interview
~EXO~Ash ~EXO~Ashynck ~EXO~Truze ~EXO~Kuro ~EXO~Lune Daddylonglex -ESS-shinji ~TS~HuGz _AGENTjinx8_ ~GO~heLeina -DVO-CircE- ~Cebu~MsChan
and from all your Audista friends specialy your Evil Quartet Friends
We wish you Good Luck in your Career and Mama Kix We love you! and we will miss you T_T
wait may pahabol~
Special messages....
GM Lowe: wishing you the best of everything... do your best in everything you do and be happy
~EXO~Ash: I'll pray for you always and don't forget us mga anakis mo salamat po sa mga ginawa mo for me po i really appreciate it. ~EXO~Kuro: We met each other just this recent. And i really had no ideahow you looked like in person before. the name is famous, always hear things about you.If smoke hasnt mentioned that you're the one in the cafe then maybe i never have joined the group.One fact is that there's someone like you taking care of this kids and yet has kept every word u speak.WHich impressed me and inspired me to join this team, for soon will be a group of professionals which hasgained something from you when we actually needed your wisdom. I might be this young, but you know how tough thismind is thanks for recognizing me as one of your kids here. this is not actually a goodbye, so ja ne okasan. Happy trails to you, until we meet again.Some trails are happy ones,Others are blue. It's the way you ride the trail that counts,Here's a happy one for you. ~EXO~Lune: I Never Knew This Day Would Come Hi Mameh!! I Have no time to say goodbye and Go With You On The Airport . I'll Pray For Your Safety Mameh Remember That We Are Always Here To Be With You As Your Family. I Really Appreciated Everything ^^ Every Bit of Sacrifice that You Made I Wish You The Best Have A Happy Life There.
-Audi Interview Group-
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